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General Data Protection Regulation, Readiness @ OrangeScrum

OrangeScrum is fully committed to being compliant prior to GDPR. We promise to safeguard your data.

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What is GDPR?

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a new EU Regulation which will replace the 1995 EU Data Protection Directive (DPD) to significantly enhance the protection of the personal data of EU citizens and increase the obligations on organisations who collect or process personal data. It will come into force on 25th May 2018. The regulation builds on many of the 1995 Directive’s requirements for data privacy and security, but includes several new provisions to bolster the rights of data subjects and add harsher penalties for violations.

A regulation such as the GDPR is a binding act, which must be followed in its entirety throughout the EU. The GDPR is an attempt to strengthen, harmonize, and modernize EU data protection law and enhance individual rights and freedoms, consistent with the European understanding of privacy as a fundamental human right. The GDPR regulates, among other things, how individuals and organizations may obtain, use, store, and eliminate personal data. It will have a significant impact on businesses around the world.

Does the GDPR apply to me?

While the current EU legislation (the 1995 EU Data Protection Directive) governs entities within the EU, the territorial scope of the GDPR is far wider in that it will also apply to non-EU businesses who a) market their products to people in the EU or who b) monitor the behavior of people in the EU. In other words, even if you’re based outside of the EU but you control or process the data of EU citizens, the GDPR will apply to you.

GDPR – important definitions

Data Subject A person who lives in the EU
Personal Data Any information related to an identified/identifiable data subject (e.g., name, national ID number, address, IP address, health info)
Controller A company/organisation that collects people’s personal data and makes decisions about what to do with it. So if you’re collecting personal data and are determining how it will be processed (for example using the OrangeScrum services to market to prospects and customers), you’re the Controller of that data and must comply with applicable data privacy legislation accordingly.
Processor A company/organisation that helps a controller by “processing” data based on its instructions, but doesn’t decide what to do with data. So for example, OrangeScrum is the processor of the data you collect in your OrangeScrum application. We don’t control how you collect or use the data; we merely process it on your behalf and on your instruction.
Processing Any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, by automated means or otherwise, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.
Data Protection Officer (DPO) A representative for a controller/processor who oversees GDPR compliance and is a data-privacy expert
Data Privacy Impact Assessment (DPIA) A documented assessment of the usefulness, risks, and risk-mitigation options for a certain type of processing
Supervisory Authority Formerly called “data protection authorities”; one or more governmental agencies in a member state who oversee that country’s data privacy enforcement (e.g., Ireland’s Office of the Data Protection Commissioner, Germany’s 18 national/regional authorities)
Third Countries Countries outside the EU

What is personal Data as per GDPR?

As per GDPR, personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual; meaning, information that could be used, on its own or in conjunction with other data, to identify an individual. Personal data will include not only data that is commonly considered to be personal in nature (e.g., social security numbers, names, physical addresses, email addresses), but also data such as IP addresses, behavioral data, location data, biometric data, financial information, and much more. It’s also important to note that even personal data that has been "pseudonymized" can be considered personal data if the pseudonym can be linked to any particular individual.

What is personal Data as per GDPR?

At the heart of GDPR lies a set of rights a person can exercise against organizations processing their personal data. Specifically, individuals have the right to:

Access Under GDPR, the Data Subject will be able to request access to his/her personal data and learn how an organization uses it.
Erasure Data Subject will have a right to withdraw consent to store and use personal data and have the information erased.
Data Portability Data Subject will have the right to transfer its data from one service provider to another, and current provider must comply with this request.
Rectification Data Subject can also require any errors in personal data to be corrected, and an organization must reply to the request within one month.
To Be Informed Under GDPR, companies must be transparent about how they gather personal information, and must do it before they collect the data. As part of this, Data Subject must freely give consent for their data to be gathered for a specific purpose.
Restrict Processing This gives Data Subject the right to block and suppress processing of their personal data. Under suppressing, an organization can still store personal information but cannot use it in any way.
Stop Processing Data Subject will have the right to object to using and processing their personal data. This includes direct marketing, profiling, processing for scientific or historical research, inclusion in statistical research and much more.
Once a Data Subject objects, all his or her data processing must cease immediately

In the case of OrangeScrum’s relationship with a Customer, who is Controller and who is Processor of the data?

Unless explicitly clarified in any engagement, OrangeScrum will be the Processor and Customer will be the Controller. Please refer to definitions in the beginning of this document.

Is it mandatory for OrangeScrum to provide EU hosting to its European customers to comply with GDPR?

No, there is no obligation under the GDPR for data to be stored in the EU and the rules regarding transfer of personal data outside the EU will not change. This means that, as long as the personal data is “adequately protected”, data may be transferred abroad.

OrangeScrum has amended its Terms of Service and provided a new Data Protection Agreement aligned with GDPR to provide adequate safeguards on data transfer of EU data subjects to non-EU regions.

What does OrangeScrum do to ensure lawful data transfers from the EU?

The GDPR permits transfers of personal data outside of the EU subject to certain conditions. The EU model clauses (Standard Contractual Clauses or SCC) provide a valid mechanism to lawfully transfer personal data. OrangeScrum offers a Data Processing Agreement that incorporates the model clauses to our EU/EEA customers.

We are reviewing all our legal agreements to ensure we make any required changes in order to be compliant with GDPR. Here are some of the planned changes:

What changes is OrangeScrum making to be GDPR Compliant?

We are taking many steps across the entire company to ensure we will be ready for the GDPR. We are improving user data security and taking measures to not share any business critical and sensitive information with other parties. Also, we have taken measures to make sure that all your information that you provide maintains anonymity within our analytics tools and making changes to allow you to tailor how you request consent using our feedback forms.